3 ajatusta artikkelista “Pari muutosta, löydätkö ne kuvasta – some changes, can you find them?

  1. Hey Arto, Your velomobile looks fantastic! I am so glad that you built it around the ICE Adventure, because my brother and I each have onewith full suspension. If you don’t mind, the I have a few questions…Do you find it gets hot inside, with the sun’s heat coming thru the windows. Is there a duct system to draw fresh air into the velo. Also, I didn’t notice if you had a rear view mirror, or lights – front and rear? Are you planning on adding them later? Is it noisy inside when you are riding? Is there a full floor, so that the chain is fully enclosed? Do you have any plans to use a front wheel drive in a delta type design? The Cruzbike sells the front wheel drive set-up as a bolt-on unit. It would save a lot of weight, and since the Cruzbike system is more rigid than the extended boom, it should be more efficient and not wobble as much at speed, Thanks for posting your project, Arto. Do you have more detailed instructions on the building project? Cheers, Daniel

  2. Hello Daniel. Thanks for your reply. Here some answers.
    Yes, there will be mirrors and lights, I just have to asseble them. In summer the side openings can both be open, so the head is actually in the shadow, so it’s not hot inside.
    I will build a duct system later, follow this blog to see how.
    The velomobile is of course noisier than those with the head outside, but I have put some isolation into the back part. It helped a lot.
    I have no plans for a delta.


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